Online open!
“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping”
There is no question, I love to shop.
However, with 3 small children in tow, the days of spending hours browsing through my favourite boutiques has become something of a distant memory.
Although I will always prefer to visit a store 'in person', the ease and 24/7 convenience of online shopping make it my preferred way to shop these days.
I love that you can shop 'when you think of it', you don't need to change your clothes, do your hair, wipe the food off your kids faces (not to mention change their clothes, comb their hair - for the 3rd time that day). You can also spend time without pressure, come back and take another look, get a second or third opinion, check out all the options BEFORE you visit the store or you commit to buy. You can buy from great stores nationally and internationally without any travel, and you can do it any time of day or night.
We would still love to see you 'in person', but if for any number of reasons you can't or would rather not visit our View St store, then our online store is for you! We have just listed a huge number of our Journal range and will be adding more of our 'off the shelf' collections in the coming days!
Check out below for a couple of my favourites...
Happy shopping!